
AAUW-Eau-Claire welcomes your donations.

Your can direct your donation one of two ways:

  • You can donate to the scholarship funds that we distribute to non-traditional women students in the area. The Dawn Bosold Scholarship goes to a qualified student at Chippewa Valley Technical College. We also award multiple scholarships to University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire students each year.

    Options: Donate directly to UW-Eau Claire’s Foundation, designating AAUW-Eau Claire on the form: Foundation instructions or send a check to Linda Spaeth, 2293 Putnam Glen Place, Eau Claire, WI  54701, specifying scholarships or Dawn Bosold Scholarship on the memo line.
  • You can donate to AAUW-Eau Claire as a whole. We will allocate your money to support education, research, policy, legal actions, and programming on the local, state, and national level.Option: send a check to Linda Spaeth, 2293 Putnam Glen Place, Eau Claire, WI  54701